Ancient World Timeline (before 509 BC)
#Events prior to the foundation of the Roman Republic and the reforms of Cleisthenes at Athens.
c4000-2700 - development of megalithic burial cultures on the Atlantic coast; at Boyne-Orkney, Morbihan, and Tagus.
c2700-2200 - Old Kingdom in Egypt
c2700-2000 - Summerian period in Mesopotamia
c2200-1450 - Middle Minoan palace culture
c2130-1800 - Middle Kingdom in Egypt
c2100 - probably arrival of Mycenean Greeks in Greece
c2000-1700 - Old Babylonian period in Mesopotamia
c2000-1400 - development of elites in Wessex, Amorica and Ireland
c1600-1200 - development of Mycenean palace culture
c1575-1000 - New Kingdom in Egypt
c1450 - Mycenean domination of the Agean
c1400 - beginning of Assyrian domination of central Mesopotamia
1352-1336 - Reign of Amenhotep IV / Akhenaten
1279-1213 - Reign of Ramses II.
c1200 - Hittite Empire destroyed
c1000-750 - age of Phoenician expansion
814 - traditional date of the foundation of Carthage
c800 - foundation of Gadir (Cadiz), Phoenician trading city; trade with Tartessos
776 - first Olympic games
775-650 - Greek colonisation in the western mediterranian
753 - traditional date of the foundation of Rome
734-680 - Lelantine war between Chalcis and Eretria
730-710 - Spartan conquest of Messenia
720 - Sargon of Assyria conquers Syria, Israel (722)
c700-400 - La Tene / Hallstatt period of central European Celtic culture
664 - Greeks begin to penetrate Egypt as mercenaries and traders
612-609 - Fall of Nineveh - division of Assyrian Empire between Media and Babylon
600 - Foundation of Massalia by Phocaeans
595-586 - first Sacred War for the control of Delphi
587 - capture of Jerusalem by Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon
559-530 - Cyrus founds Persian Empire
545 - conquest of the Ionian Greeks by Persians
540 - Battle of Alalia - Carthaginians and Etruscans check Greek expansion in western Mediterranian
512 - Darius conquers Thrace
509 - Foundation of Roman Republic
Key sources:
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (Shaw, Oxford, 2000)
The Oxford Illustrated History of Greece and the Hellenistic World (Boardman, Oxford, 1986)
The Mediterranean in the Ancient World (Braudel, Penguin, 2002)
Facing the Ocean - the Atlantic and its Peoples (Cunliffe, Oxford, 2001)
Mesopotamia - the Invention of the City (Leick, Penguin, 2001)